Detailed Information

Immersive Technology Marketing Consultancy

Technology marketing experience & expertise combined with a deep understanding of the immersive technology sector.

James is a well respected leader in the immersive technology sector. He has extensive experience in delivering global marketing programmes, which stretches back to the launch of the first Oculus headset in 2013 – where he helped Shell roll-out a global VR training programme. As CMO at Immerse, he helped grow its enterprise VR platform into an award winning market leader, working with clients such as BP, DHL and Nestle.

He went on to set up XRTech Marketing, a consultancy focused on helping end-user companies to identify the right immersive technology solutions, as well as enabling suppliers to ensure their product positioning fits with the needs of the market. James has also become a regular speaker at industry events and an advisor to investment companies, as well as an industry writer and Co-chair of the VRAR Association.

Contact Information
York Villa, Brighton, West Sussex RH15