XR4HUMAN Code of Conduct

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Effective Date: 1 February 2024

To ensure a respectful and inclusive environment, we ask all community members to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

1. Respectful Communication

1.1 Be Inclusive: Embrace diversity and ensure that all community members feel welcome, regardless of their background, identity, or experience level.

1.2 Civil Discourse: Engage in discussions with courtesy and respect. Disagreements are natural, but personal attacks, insults, or any form of harassment will not be tolerated.

1.3 Active Listening: Give others the opportunity to express their views. Take the time to read, reflect, and respond thoughtfully to foster a constructive and collaborative atmosphere.

2. Ethical Considerations

2.1 Honesty and Integrity: Communicate truthfully and transparently. Avoid misleading statements, plagiarism, or misrepresentation of facts.

2.2 Responsible Research: When discussing research topics, ensure that information shared is accurate, properly attributed, and aligns with ethical research practices.

2.3 Informed Consent: Respect privacy and obtain informed consent when discussing or sharing sensitive information.

2.4 Inclusive Language: Use inclusive and respectful language. Avoid discriminatory, offensive, or exclusionary language that may make others feel unwelcome.

3. Reporting and Enforcement

3.1 Reporting Violations: If you witness a violation of this Code of Conduct, report it promptly to the community moderators or administrators.

3.2 Enforcement Actions: Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent removal from the community, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense.

4. Moderation Process

4.1 Transparent Moderation: Moderation actions will be transparent and communicated when necessary, ensuring accountability and fairness.

4.2 Appeals: Members subject to moderation actions have the right to appeal. Appeals will be reviewed by the moderation team, and decisions will be communicated promptly.

5. Continuous Improvement

5.1 Feedback: We encourage community members to provide constructive feedback on the Code of Conduct and community guidelines to foster continuous improvement.

5.2 Community Engagement: Actively participate in community discussions to contribute to a positive and respectful environment.

6. Contact Information

6.1 Questions and Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns about this Code of Conduct, please contact us at contact@xr4europe.eu.

By participating in the Forum, you agree to abide by this Code of Conduct. We appreciate your commitment to making this a space for collaborative learning and discussion.

XR4Europe AISBL, Data Controller on behalf of XR4HUMAN
1 February 2024